Adorn your fridge!

Shipping and Delivery from € 7.99
Estimated delivery date: 3. April - 2025
Estimated delivery date: 31. March - 2025
€ 16.99€ 24.99

Price includes all applicable taxes and fees

Availability: Manufactured to 24 hours

Magnetic Puzzle 24 pcs

Puzzle 24 Magnetic is an unique gift for those who want to awaken their best memories daily. Thanks to the magnetic surface, this puzzle can be sticked to any metallic surface in your household or in your classroom. Assembling is very simple and can be completed by small kids in about 10 minutes. Puzzle 24 Magnetic is also great as an exclusive company presentation gift, wedding announcement or birthday party invitation. We recommend DPI 200.

Pieces count: 24 Pieces
Size: 15 x 21 cm

Photo Collage Creator

Photo Collage Creator

Paint by numbers - an old photograph that instantly takes you back in time.

Have you ever stumbled upon an old photograph that instantly takes you back in time?

How custom photo puzzles can help you through hard times.

Custom jigsaw puzzles can get you one step closer to a calm and focused mind.

Puzzling Over Photos?

The hardest puzzle I’ve ever attempted to assemble featured a field of cows; it was a beautiful photograph: the black and white cows scattered across a rolling green hill that crested to meet a cloudless blue sky.

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